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Introducing the Equiscope

Drug free, Non Invasive, a FDA-registered diagnostic myograph device

“You’re diagnosed with an EKG, EEG,EMG, why are you not being treated electrically?”

-John Thorp (President & CEO of Intelligent Bioenergetics Inc)

Our Services

  • Health and Wellness

    The Electro-Equiscope® technology is a micro-current electrotherapeutic technology proven to rapidly eliminate pain and reduce inflammation in every area of the body. It is the new standard in electro-neural and myo stimulation. It’s a safe, tested and registered Class II medical device. It has been used by thousands of patients and is an affordable therapy option, finally available to the general public.

  • Beauty

    Remove the need for invasive or chemical processes to achieve natural anti ageing results driven by your own bodies ability to repair itself, with the help of recharging the cells depleted supply of current.

  • Companion Animal Wellness

    Like people, our furry friends can benefit from the Equiscope technology, by reducing pain, inflammation and speeding up the healing process.

The Equiscope is a device that scans and corrects the value of the charge in the molecular structure of the tissue. It allows the body to self-heal itself by achieving cellular membrane potential.